Car batteries serve an essential purpose in your daily runner. It makes sense to maintain good car battery maintenance on yours! Good maintenance will also go a long way towards extending your car battery life, and prevent untimely incidents. Your car battery powers everything within your car, and allows it to start up in the first place.
In this article, we will look at the best ways to extend your battery’s service life. In doing so, you’ll be able to extend the time between car battery replacement, saving you time and money. We’ll also cover the greatest risks to your battery life, such as battery terminal corrosion.
The first thing to understand is that car batteries will tend to last between 2 and 5 years. This is primarily affected by the weather and climate. The hotter it is, the more drain there will be on your car battery, and the shorter your car battery life will be.
Short Car Rides Make for Short Car Battery Life
Taking a car for trips that only last a few minutes will prevent the battery from charging fully. Good car battery maintenance requires that you limit these short rides. Instead, try driving it often, and for longer trips. Where battery terminal corrosion will damage the battery in the long term, too many short trips can add up in the short-medium term.
On this subject, there are other ways to avoid unecessary car battery replacement. Consider purchasing a portable car battery charger. These are very useful, especially if you don’t drive often. What’s more, if your vehicle ever runs out of battery, they can be a real life-saver.
Avoid Car Battery Replacement – Keep it Secured!
All car batteries, no matter the type, should be securely fastened at all times. A car battery that isn’t secure could end up vibrating, which can cause severe internal damage. Be sure to check your battery terminal on a regular basis to avoid shortening your car battery life.
That last sentence is especially true if you drive on poor roads often. You definitely don’t want a car battery replacement thanks to something so preventable. Bumps, potholes, and uneven surfaces can gradually loosen your battery fastenings. Thus, ensuring your battery is secure makes up a large part of car battery maintenance.
Control Battery Terminal Corrosion
Battery terminal corrosion occurs over an extended period of time. But, keeping them clean is one of the best ways to extend the life of your car battery.
You can prevent car battery corrosion with just a toothbrush and baking soda in water. Scrub the terminals with the dipped toothbrush, then rinse it off with cold water. Afterwards, dry the terminals with a dry cloth. Hey presto! No more car battery corrosion.
Care For The Rest of the Vehicle
Your car batteries shouldn’t be the only focus of your efforts. You can definitely reduce your car battery life by running electronics while the engine isn’t running. This will put a lot of wear and tear on the vehicle.
But, many different parts make up your vehicle, and caring for them is as important as car battery maintenance. What’s more, caring for your car as a whole will extend the life of your battery! Of course, this is yet another great way to avoid unnecessary car battery replacement.
Also keep in mind that your car battery is still going to need replacement at some point. Despite your best efforts, it may die on you unexpectedly.
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